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In order to use a Grid.js instance, you need to configure it first. Grid.js accepts a configuration object which can be updated using:

  • Grid constructor
  • updateConfig method

Grid constructor

Simply pass your configuration object to the Grid constructor to configure the instance. It is possible to update this config later on.

new Grid({
columns: ['Name', 'Email', 'Phone Number'],
data: [
['John', '', '(353) 01 222 3333'],
['Mark', '', '(01) 22 888 4444']

A full list of config object properties is defined in the Config section of this document


It is also possible to create an empty Grid.js instance and update the configs later on (and before calling the render method):

new Grid().updateConfig({
columns: ['Name', 'Email', 'Phone Number'],
data: [
['John', '', '(353) 01 222 3333'],
['Mark', '', '(01) 22 888 4444']

Or to just simply update an existing key in the config object:

new Grid({
columns: ['Name', 'Email', 'Phone Number'],
data: [
['John', '', '(353) 01 222 3333'],
['Mark', '', '(01) 22 888 4444']
// lets update the columns field only
columns: ['First Name', 'Email', 'Phone']

The examples directory has an interactive editor that you can use to see the effect config properties live.